20th Century Toy Collector

More Than Meets The Eye!

Milton Bradley (MB) Shrapnel

The first waves of Transformers from the G1 (Generation 1) line are my favourites. The Insecticons were the first real subgroup among the Decepticons, akin to the Dinobots. The Insecticons were also among the first wave of Transformers that were released in Europe in 1985, sold under the Milton Bradley brand.

I recently added the MB (Milton Bradley) packaged version of Kickback to my MB Transformers collection. Just a couple of weeks later I managed to score a very, very nice Milton Bradley version of Shrapnel! Although there was no clear leader of the Insecticons, Shrapnel was usually depicted as the leader in the G1 cartoon, though Bombshell took the leader role on some occasions. Shrapnel is mint on a sealed backing card and includes an unused sticker sheet and instructions still sealed inside a baggy.

The Milton Bradley packaging is in near perfect state with no flap crease whatsoever, an undented window and still sealed on one side. Check out the detailed photographs!

The first waves of Transformers from the G1 (Generation 1) line are my favourites. The Insecticons were the first real subgroup among the Decepticons, akin to the Dinobots. The Insecticons were also among the first wave of Transformers that were releases in Europe in 1985, sold under the Milton Bradley brand.
I recently added the MB (Milton Bradley) packaged version of Kickback to my MB Transformers collection. Just a couple of weeks later I managed to score a very, very nice Milton Bradley version of Shrapnel! Although there was no clear leader of the Insecticons, Shrapnel was usually depicted as the leader in the G1 cartoon, though Bombshell took the leader role on some occasions. Shrapnel is mint on a sealed backing card and includes an unused sticker sheet and instructions still sealed inside a sealed baggy.
The Milton Bradley packaging is in near perfect state with no flap crease whatsoever, an undented window and still sealed on one side. Check out the detailed photographs!
posted on October 10, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has No Comments

Milton Bradley (MB) G1 Seaspray

Last week I managed to track down another MB (Milton Bradley) Transformer, which I was fortunate enough to be able to add to my collection: Seaspray! Seaspray was a series 2 mini vehicle that was part of the first wave of Transformers that were released in mainland Europe in 1985 under the Milton Bradley brand.

Seaspray is a very sympathetic character voiced aptly by Alan Oppenheimer (also known for Skeletor’s voice in Masters of the Universe) in the G1 (Generation 1) cartoon. This particular Seaspray is in very nice condition with a nice clean card and undented bubble. I was very glad to be able to pick it up fairly cheap! Stay tuned, coz there’s 2 more Milton Bradley Transformers that I got a hold of. More pics soon!

posted on October 8, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has No Comments

More Dutch G.I. Joe vehicles and sets

As I’ve mentioned before in previous posts I try to collect the first Dutch G.I. Joe releases that were available in the Netherlands from 1987. My primary goal is to collect all the toys and action figures that were available as part of the first wave of G.I. Joes’s in the Netherlands. Last week I managed to score a shitload of boxed vehicles and sets which has brought me to the comfortable position of owning nearly all of the boxed items from the first wave.

So what did I get? Well, Snow Cat, an A.W.E. Striker, a S.H.A.R.C., a Night Attack 4WD Stinger, a Cobra Flight Pod and F.A.N.G, an Ammo Dump Unit, a Rifle Range Unit, a Devilfish and a Polar Battle Bear (Skimobile). The seller also included a shitload of loose action figures with accessories as a bonus. Needless to say I walked away very satisfied!

Now, if only I could find some MOSC (mint-on-sealed-card) Dutch G.I. Joe action figures! The boxed items were a pain to find, but finding MOSC Dutch G.I. Joe items is even more impossible it seems. For now, please enjoy these few snapshots I made of my latest G.I. Joe haul!

posted on September 29, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in G.I. Joe and has No Comments

Transformers Soundwave (MB)

Soundwave is one of the most recognizable and most popular characters from the G1 (Generation 1) Transformers line. Looking like a portable cassette player in his alternate mode, Soundwave had the cool bonus of cassette robots that could fit inside his chest and was released together with the Buzzsaw cassette. Several other memorable cassette characters were released seperately like Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble and Frenzy.

Soundwave featured heavily in the Sunbow cartoon and had a really cool voice that sounded very robotic (voiced by Frank Welker, who also did Megatron, processed by a vocoder). Come to think of it, most of the voice processing in the original G1 cartoon sounds very cool.

I have one Soundwave in my collection, which comes in MB (Milton Bradley) packaging. Both Soundwave and Buzzsaw are in pretty good clean condition, with stickers unapplied. Accessories, booklet and unused stickersheet are still inside a sealed baggy. I’m only missing a paper insert that goes on top of the styro, but I’m sure I’ll pick that up somewhere some time in the future. Check out these photographs I made of Soundwave from my personal collection.

posted on September 21, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has Comments (5)

Transformers Kickback (MB)

The Insecticons are one of my favourite original Transformers subgroups from the G1 (Generation 1) series. I loved all the episodes from the Sunbow cartoon where the Insecticons took center stage. Just dig those cool voice processing effects!

I was thrilled to recently be able to add the first Insecticon to my ever growing MB (Milton Bradley) collection of Transformers! Here are some snapshots of Kickback in his box. Kickback is still sealed on his card and the accessories and instructions are also still sealed inside the plastic baggy. I took some photographs of Kickback which you can check below. Enjoy!

posted on September 17, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has No Comments