20th Century Toy Collector

Illusion is the Ultimate Weapon!

Milton Bradley Transformers article series

Today marks the first part of a long series of articles that I will be publishing on this website about my favourite corner of Transformers collecting: vintage MB (Milton Bradley) G1 Transformers! For those that do not know, in most of mainland Europe Transformers were introduced in 1985. Not by Hasbro, but by MB. I’ve spent quite some of my spare time in the past 2 years collecting, cataloguing and investigating everything there is to know about this line. I decided it was high time to contribute my fair share to the TF collector community and put down all the info I have gathered about MB Transformers in a series of articles.

It’s going to be an extensive series of articles with lots of information about the line and everything that surrounded it. There’s going to be a complete list of all the MB Transformers ever released, background information to why some Transfomers were and why some weren’t released as part of MB’s 1985 line up, a thorough look into the connections between the MB line and its close relative the Joustra Diaclone line, scans of promotional material of MB’s 1985 line that have never been published online and much, much more. Please join me and check out the introductory part of this article series on MB Transformers by clicking here. New parts will be published right here every week-ish. Enjoy!!

posted on April 25, 2011 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Milton Bradley Transformers article series”

  1. Arkvander says:

    Oh, badass. I’m very much looking forward to this.

  2. Conner says:

    Me too. This will be a good read!

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