20th Century Toy Collector

Illusion is the Ultimate Weapon!

My MB (Milton Bradley) Transformers G1 Collection

Regular visitors of this website will know of my fondness for the MB (Milton Bradley) G1 Transformers toys. Before Hasbro properly got in on the act in Europe, the very earliest Transformers were sold in mainland Europe by MB. Through this website I’ve been fortunate enough to get in touch with some fellow MB Transformers collectors.

From time to time I get questions by mail from visitors asking about the exact extent of my MB collection. So the last couple of days I’ve invested some time in taking quick snapshots of all the MB releases I have in my collection and created a page that will be continually updated whenever new MB’s are added to my collection. Currently my collection is around two thirds complete. You can find the page in the Collection menu on the top right or by clicking here. Enjoy!!

posted on March 10, 2011 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has Comments (5)

5 Responses to “My MB (Milton Bradley) Transformers G1 Collection”

  1. Arkvander says:

    Wow, these look really pretty. You should either get the rest of them AFA’d or just get some custom acrylic cases to protect them, it would be a shame if something happened to them. These all really look nice together! Oh, and the Laserbeak is amazing, I have never seen a single tape carded before.

  2. 20th Century Toy Collector says:

    Yeah, thx. Some of ’em have AFA cases and I ultimately plan on casing them all. Problem is, buying AFA cases from Europe can sometimes be a somewhat costly exercise due to high shipping costs and customs and sales taxes. But AFA really has the nicest looking cases imo, so I’m gonna stick to those!

  3. grinkrystal says:

    You’ve got a pretty good collection in boxes too. Is this left unopened? I can’t resist opening those toys in there boxes :)

    • 20th Century Toy Collector says:

      Thx dude. Most of them aren’t sealed anymore, so I can pop them out whenever I feel like it. :-) A couple are still sealed though. I plan on buying loose specimens of those some day.

  4. grinkrystal says:

    Thanks also for the reply. I wish you have more toys to feature on your blog this 2012. Happy New Year!

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