20th Century Toy Collector

Illusion is the Ultimate Weapon!

G.I. Joe Dutch promotional flyer 1987

G.I. Joe burst onto the European toy scene in 1987. The first series of toys that were released on this side of the Atlantic were mostly lifted from the 4th or 5th U.S. series of G.I. Joe toys. Hasbro released the first two series in the Netherlands in all-Dutch packaging. The promotional material was all Dutch too. Below is a scan that I made of the very first promotional flyer of G.I. Joe toys that were released in the Netherlands in 1987. The scans are relatively large so please have patience while downloading them!

This flyer was included with most of the boxed G.I. Joe toys and was also included in an edition of the weekly Dutch Donald Duck magazine in 1987, which is how I remember seeing it for the first time. This same flyer was probably also translated into all the other European languages in countries where Hasbro were pimping their G.I. Joe stuff. I have an identical, all-French flyer inside a French Snow Cat box. My goal is to obtain each and every item from this flyer boxed and/or carded. I’m already quite a long way towards collecting all of the boxed items, but so far I have none of the carded action figures. MOSC (mint-on-sealed-card) Dutch G.I. Joe action figures are so hard to find it’s unreal. If you have any for sale, please contact me!!

posted on November 28, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in G.I. Joe and has Comments (8)

8 Responses to “G.I. Joe Dutch promotional flyer 1987”

  1. m4rky says:

    COOL! I was looking for this catalog for ages. thanks a lot for sharing.

  2. Simon says:

    I see the catalogue is identical to the Italian one released in 1987. This finally proves to me that whole Europe got the same GI Joe figures in those days. No Cobra Commander or Scarlett or Major Bludd, they were never released over here by Hasbro. I’ll never understand why.

    • 20th Century Toy Collector says:

      You’re right. Most (or maybe even all) of Europe got the same stuff in 1987.

      The reason we did not get Baroness and Major Bludd et al is probably because these were released here before 1987 under the name Action Force by Palitoy. Though Destro is an exception. He was available as an Action Force action figure and was re-released in 1987 in Europe as a G.I. Joe action figure.

  3. Simon says:

    Thank you for your explanation. I wasn’t aware of the Action Force thing. Some Action Force was released in Italy too, but I never saw familiar Gi Joe characters from the cartoon in Action Force cards in Italy. Actually, I doubt they ever saw the light here.

    I remember having an Action Force jeep and a lame cardboard headquarters, nothing else.

  4. Philip Ayres says:

    Destro, Storm Shadow & Cobra trooper all got an orange carded action force release as figures.

    The Skystriker, Sharc, Fang, Water Mocassin, and Stinger were likewise available in orange boxes.

    It’s interesting comparing those images to the UK Action Force 87 catalogue – see http://www.bloodforthebaron.com/toys/004/promos/005/index.html

    UK got the Mauler, which the Netherlands didn’t. NL got the Crimson Guard Twins & Trouble Bubble, which the UK didn’t till 88, and the Sharc, which never turned up in the post 87 Action Force line. Does kind of explain how the Sharc is on the Battle Platform box yet they’ve deleted the sky hawk from the US version!

    Note the intrusion of a non euro 87 figure: Snowjob is in the Snowcat!

    • Wywyk says:

      Kt re s to aplikacje? Azali s one droige? Kt ra widnieje ich ergonomia? Bez w tpienia zadajemy samemu i te pytania. Nale y poda do wiadomo ci, i fakturowanie na skutek przed istnieje nader p ynne, bo wi ksza cz tego typu aplikacji wyposa ana jest w po yteczne natomiast intuicyjne panele, przy u yciu jakich stanie si jest dozwolone obs ugiwa nienaruszony program natomiast kilkoma klikni ciami sporz dza faktury i r ne p ki. Nale y da do zrozumienia, e cz stokro im wi cej przyjdzie mnie zap aci zbyt dan aplikacj , tym te stanie si bia og owa mia a sporzej funkcji, ergo mo na si nad tym zastanowi , jak jest to zale ne mnie na tym, a eby mie warunki poleca r nego rodzaju pakieciki. Warto zatem rozwa y o zakupieniu ponadplanowej aplikacji komputerowej, bo dzi ki niej prowadzenie przedsi biorstwa przypadkiem przytrafi si kra cowo praktyczne.

  5. 'RAVEN'' says:

    ”Forget all European catalog inserts of the G.I.Joe action figure/ vehicle lines, of the 1980s. Use the American Version of the 1980s G.I.Joe action figure/ Vehicle lines.That’s The best of all!”

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