20th Century Toy Collector

Illusion is the Ultimate Weapon!

More Dutch G.I. Joe vehicles and sets

As I’ve mentioned before in previous posts I try to collect the first Dutch G.I. Joe releases that were available in the Netherlands from 1987. My primary goal is to collect all the toys and action figures that were available as part of the first wave of G.I. Joes’s in the Netherlands. Last week I managed to score a shitload of boxed vehicles and sets which has brought me to the comfortable position of owning nearly all of the boxed items from the first wave.

So what did I get? Well, Snow Cat, an A.W.E. Striker, a S.H.A.R.C., a Night Attack 4WD Stinger, a Cobra Flight Pod and F.A.N.G, an Ammo Dump Unit, a Rifle Range Unit, a Devilfish and a Polar Battle Bear (Skimobile). The seller also included a shitload of loose action figures with accessories as a bonus. Needless to say I walked away very satisfied!

Now, if only I could find some MOSC (mint-on-sealed-card) Dutch G.I. Joe action figures! The boxed items were a pain to find, but finding MOSC Dutch G.I. Joe items is even more impossible it seems. For now, please enjoy these few snapshots I made of my latest G.I. Joe haul!

posted on September 29, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in G.I. Joe and has No Comments

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