20th Century Toy Collector

Yo Joe!

This Sunday: MB Transformers Part 6

To everyone who has been patiently awaiting the next installment of my article series on European MB Transformers, I’ve got some good news! The sixth chapter is now 99% complete. It’s currently being proof read by some people who are very knowledgable when it comes to the detailed and niche subject matter of this article. (That’s my safety net. It prevents me from staying stupid things in my articles). Then it’s just some last minute clearance I am expecting from several persons for the use of their photography or information and some finishing touches to the artwork and graphical design that I will be doing.

If everything goes according to plan the article will go live right here this Sunday afternoon at one o’clock in the afternoon (Central European Time). Have a great weekend everyone!


posted on January 25, 2013 by 20th Century Toy Collector in Site stuff,Transformers and has Comment (1)

One Response to “This Sunday: MB Transformers Part 6”

  1. arkvander says:

    YES! Finally, I can’t wait to resume reading this series. Definitely one of the highlights of the blog community!

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