20th Century Toy Collector

Yo Joe!

“Where is ze list?”

I’m a real list nazi. One of the many aspects of collecting that I love is to make lists and check off things. It gives me a wicked buzz whenever I acquire something I was looking for and thus am able to place a big fat checkmark on one of my many lists, getting closer and closer to completing something. I know, I’m crazy that way, but I’m willing to bet that a lot of collectors know exactly what I’m talking about! I recently acquired some nice new additions to my MB (Milton Bradley) Transformers collection, so I was able to put down another couple of those big fat checkmarks on my list.

What you see above is the fruit of my obsessive labour. It’s a list of all known Transformers released by MB in 1985 in Europe, ordered by assortment. As you can see, my collection is now 79% complete, which still amazes me, because I only started collecting this line just two years ago. I have a special page dedicated to my MB Transformers collection, which also contains photos of all the items in my collection. I have now updated this page with my latest additions and if you’re ever in the mood you can check it out here!


posted on June 16, 2011 by 20th Century Toy Collector in MB Transformers,Transformers and has Comments (2)

2 Responses to ““Where is ze list?””

  1. Maz says:

    You crazy bugger! Now I have to make a list, and it ain’t anywhere near as complete as yours :P

    • 20th Century Toy Collector says:

      LOL. Still, quite an impressive item you’ve been able to add lately. Looking forward to seeing it on your site. :-)

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