20th Century Toy Collector

Yo Joe!

Blackstar Space Ship

Blackstar was a very cool Filmation cartoon that was originally broadcast in 1981 in the U.S. Unfortunately it lasted for just one season of 13 episodes, which is way too short! It was only in 1983 that Galoob released an action figure toy line based on the property, spurred by the outrageous success of the similiarly themed Masters of the Universe toyline by competitor Mattel.

I recently obtained a nice, unassembled and stickers unapplied Blackstar Space Ship. Just look at that brilliant box artwork! You can spot Overlord’s Ice Castle on the left there. All of the boxed items of the Blackstar toyline came with fantastic artwork and are a sight to see if you dig that sort of thing.

Aside from the Space Ship I currently only have a carded Overlord and John Blackstar in my collection, but although the line doesn’t have the highest collection priority for me right now I’m sure it will steadily increase in size. More Blackstar stuff to follow soon!

posted on August 25, 2010 by 20th Century Toy Collector in Blackstar and has No Comments

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